Monday, August 24, 2009

this one's for madre

These have been a long time coming.

I've been talking about making curtains since we first moved in, when we stuck a blanket over the window as a makeshift placeholder. Many months have followed, minds have been changed about patterns & material (well, one mind, the other isn't concerned) and basically I was afraid to start. If you know me, you know this sewing thing is new to me and I'm only just getting to grips with the sewing machine. I have so many ideas in my little brain & so few skills to call upon! But I try.

And then I went to Ikea & picked out this fabulous material -P1050768
I've been on a real color kick lately. I'm obsessed with patterns, both bold & sweet. Our house has a lot of... blank-ness in it. And as renters, our hands are tied in terms of changing things. I'm talking white walls, no holes for hangin', white walls... This tropical splash of ruby red fruit smoothie is just what we needed.
I left the sides fringey for added island appeal. And I'm very pleased with the results.
I love walking into this room now. P1050975
Look how it glows! Will it look like this in January? When they're drawn, we might think we're in the Maldives (if we've been hitting the rum).

*contented sigh* Yes, I am happy with my very first homemade curtains. Saucy approves, too. She supervises all craft projects.


  1. wow, i'm very impressed -- and inspired!

  2. thank you! it's such an easy project that looks so swanky when it's finished. i highly recommend it :)

  3. Yay sooze! I love em! Well done missus. Can we have a sewing night? I've come across a heap of vintage fabric I found hiding in my house.

  4. BRING IT!!!

    i mean, yay! let's sew :)


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